Monday, July 6, 2009

Celebrating This Life Changing Decision

My congratulations to every one of us for having the courage and faith to take the steps to become an entrepreneur. Join me in celebrating this life-changing decision. For this "by-the-book" registered nurse, leaving all that behind to take charge of my own thoughts, actions and direction was huge. Thanks to Beyond Freedom and our conferences, I came to a new understanding of what true freedom looks like. I celebrate my life everyday. It is such a blessing to be able to decide such simple things as when to wake up and go to bed or when to eat lunch!!

It amazes me that so many people wrongly believe that their lot in life was pre-determined. How sad to think that working a 9-5 or worse a 7AM - 9PM job is the way to financial freedom. I told Ed today that I am so glad I started living before I was dead or nearly dead. This sounds silly but I have seen a lot of people totally change their priorities and approach to life when they learned they had a terminal illness. I am so grateful I woke up while I am still young enough to make plans and realize them.

I am dedicating this blogpost to our LLI team. We are so proud of you and promise to encourage and cajole you to the success you want and deserve. I was on a leadership call today and heard that Jessica Rush tells her associates to envision her behind them on a tandem bike. They set the pace and she is there to peddle with and encourage, but they are in charge of the trip. The only place she won't follow them is over a cliff!

In closing this post, know that you already possess everything you require to be phenomenally successful. Keep those 3-ways and training sales coming.

To your prosperity in all areas,

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Recorded Calls - The Next Best Thing

We were in Palm Bay, Florida, last Friday preparing to celebrate our granddaughter Alexa's first birthday. It was a fun and very busy time. As a result, I did not hear Shane Krider's leadership call live. I am so grateful for the technology to record these calls and post them so they can be downloaded and listened to later. I did just that this afternoon.

Wow! Jerry and Sue Smart were totally awesome. I heard Sue a while back on the Blackbelt Marketing Call so I knew a bit about her style. Her relaxed confidence, enthusiasm, and love for this business have accelerated even more since then. If you did not hear the call, you deserve to go to and listen to it - June 26.

I gained so much insight from this call and know you will too. Having set a new LLI company record for monthly net income at >$232,000, the Smarts are certainly in a position to offer nuggets of information and inspiration. Thier purpose is to "feed the belief into others." That sounds simple but is so critical. Belief is the crux of any business success, especially ours. This reminds me of something John Lavenia says in his article, "How To Prosper In A New Economy." Here John says that sales is simply the "transfer of enthusiasm." The Smarts are certainly transferring a tremendous amount of enthusiasm!

Another key point was Jerry's statement, "All of a sudden it was like a train out of control - we couldn't stop it." Wow - now that is some serious momentum. I have certainly had a tranfusion of their enthusiasm. Ed and I have momentum going as well so let's see how out of control this train can get.

Congratulations to the Smarts. And congratulations to all of us for taking a stand for a better way of living and being.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Real Truth About The Liberty League Conferences

If you are fairly new in the Liberty League International community, you are probably wondering about the conferences. If you're like I was, you probably wonder if you'll know anyone when you get there. Will you feel accepted or out of place? What are the speakers like? What kinds of activities are there? How about the hotel? Will it be easy to find? How much free time is there and how should I spend that free time? In others words, you are probably looking for the real truth about the conferences, both Liberty and Summit.

Of course there are the photo galleries of previous conferences in the back office of your Liberty League online business center. There are also pictures and promos of the upcoming events, but these may not answer your specific questions. As with most things, experience is the best way to learn. Second best is the first-hand testimony of someone else who has attended. In this case, that will be me for the time being. I also encourage you to ask other associates about their experiences at the various conferences.

To be perfectly honest, we chose not to attend the first two conferences after we became associates. Of course we already had our tickets because we knew that getting positioned early on at Liberty and Summit was a smart business move. At the time, however, we didn't realize just how important it was to actually attend the conference, both for business and personal reasons. In our defense, the first conference, a Liberty, was taking place within the first week of our becoming associates. At the time, it seemed impossible for us to attend that one. However, we learned in Australia that truly motivated and determined leaders make things happen regardless of their apparent circumstances. There was a young woman in Sydney who had signed up as an associate only a few days before the conference was to start in AUSTRALIA! And it was a sold-out event! Her advisor didn't even think it possible for her to get in, but she told him she was sure they would find room for her and she was going!!

The conference in Sydney in 2007 was our first Summit. We attended two Libertys before then. We had also passed on the South Africa Summit conference, which was a little more than 2 months after we joined the League. I was still working as a nurse, it was all the way in South Africa, I din't have much vacation time, we weren't qualified yet, blah, blah, blah. So our first conference, not our first event which was a Super Saturday in August 2006, was on the Big Island of Hawaii in October 2006. Wow - what an experience that was! I wasn't used to staying at any place nearly as luxurious at the Hilton Waikoloa Village. Incidentally, this is the same place that this year's Summit is being held in just one month, July 20-24.

I had met some leaders at the Super Saturday, but at the Liberty Conference, we were really able to spend time with people like Tony Rush, Wendy Stevens, and the Firestones. All of the leaders are warm, generous and willing to assist - just like on the training calls, only with eye contact and facial expressions. The speakers were mesmerizing and enlightening. My mind grew to understand some concepts I had read in Beyond Freedom but on a grander scale, if that makes sense. Dick and Rick Hoyt spoke at that conference and hung out with us around the resort afterwards. What an inspiration they are! In our free time, we hung out at the pools, enjoyed the wildlife, and toured the island. There is a national park through the volcanoes on this island.

Our next conference was another Liberty in March in Cancun, Mexico. We met and learned from the likes of Michael Losier and Andy Andrews. This conference totally convinced me that Liberty League International was MY business as well as Ed's, and I deserved to leave my J-O-B as soon as possible. I gave my boss notice shortly after I returned home with the intention of not having to miss any events because I didn't have enough vacation time!! After all, the Summit in Sydney, Australia, was just a few months away. Visiting Australia was definitely on my list of 100 things to do and nothing was stopping us. By this time we had lots of friends in the community. We enjoy working and playing together every chance we get. That conference gave us a full day of Bob Procter, a "staring" exercise, and fire-walking at a sheep farm. Each event offers insight into the local culture as well.

Since we have also enjoyed events in The Bahamas and Acapulco, there is lots more I could share. However, this would then be a book instead of a blog. My best advice is to get yourself to the next conference, and then the next, and the next. Each one is unique and will assist you in more ways than you can imagine. Since we are all individuals at differenct places in our growth, we all gain something unique from the experience. I hope this has helped you to learn some of the real truth about the Liberty League Conferences.

Make It Happen!

Sandra Hayes, Summit Advisor
Our results are commensurate with our actions and belief.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summit Advisor Thoughts

As all of you know, my chief goal in this business is to assist every person to achieve the success they desire and deserve. I've just gotten off The Team Success Call with Steve Linton. He was talking about vibration and the law of attraction. You deserve to hear the call if you were not able to be on it.

If you're like me, you wonder what other successful leaders here at Liberty League International do on a regular basis. Of course the 5 things we enumerate over and over are absolutely essential. But what do those 5 things look like when broken down? For instance, when it comes to income producing activity, what exactly does that look like? Before you can call anyone back, they first must become a lead. So that means lead generation, of course.

For us, lead generation is an ongoing way of life. It's not something that you "get" and then never have to think about again!! Actually, that would be a bit boring and take a lot of the challenge out of the "game" so to speak. In addition to paid marketing such as bandit signs, newspaper ads, and PPC internet marketing, we do a lot of "drip" marketing. This involves leaving cards or flyers everywhere. We leave them on cars at the mall, the airport, the zoo, in books at Barnes and Noble and in books at Sam's Club.

We also do a lot of drip marketing on the internet. We both have accounts on Facebook and Twitter. We upload videos to Youtube and we have blogs. This is a blog you are reading, and they are quite simple to produce. If you notice on my blogs, I link to other blogs and websites. I also post videos and the links to my Facebook and Twitter. This all helps to "brand" us online. You will want to brand yourself as well.

Just today, I decided to "rearrange" a couple of my blogs so that "Achieve Prosperity Today" became my marketing blog and "How To Achieve Prosperity Today" became this team blog. Was I born knowing how to do this? Of course not!! I'm 54 years old!! However, I have attended a LOT of training calls, both live and recorded. I have looked at other leaders' websites and blogs. I have masterminded by telephone and in person at many Liberty League events. But most of all, I have simply taken action and persisted until I got it to work. It took me 2 weeks to get my recent "movie" uploaded to YouTube. By the way, I simply made this using Windows Movie maker. The part I had to figure out was saving it in a different file format.

Remember, it is an ongoing process. Also, like I said at the beginning, your success is my primary goal. So anything I know, I'll tell you or teach you. Just seek me out. Also, note the blogs I have links to. As far as marketing, the Team True North blog is the easiest to start with. And of course the Team Success Blog.

Keep those 3-ways coming!
Office 803-364-3918
Mobile 803-609-7003

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cultivating An Expectation of Leadership

Creating an expectation of leadership in myself and others is one of the five things that leaders do everyday. This is really a bigger deal than it may sound like at first. Ed and I recognized the importance of positioning ourselves right away at the Liberty and Summit levels. Was this an easy decision for us? Did we have $22,000 sitting in our laps? Of course not. It took a leap of faith and some creative searching to find a source for the money. But we knew that $13,000 in profit is way better than $1,000 - even a non-business mind like mine figured that out.

True leaders don't buy other people's stories of lack. There is an abundance of money and ideas available to each of us. Some of our associates have procrastinated in purchasing their Liberty and Summit tickets. If Ed and I have not held you accountable and have bought your story about why you need to wait, we apologize. No one needs to wait to make this decision and take this action. Ours is a fast growing team and every day you procrastinate in positioning yourself at Liberty and Summit, you are passing up huge opportunities for profit.

Remember that when you purchase your ticket, team sales, not just personal sales, contribute to your five qualifying sales. By working as a team, we contribute to each other's success which carries a lot of momentum and energy for all of us. We are so glad to have the team we have. We have attracted some really determined big thinkers. And you know who you are.

Right now, I invite you to revisit your goals. If you have an income goal of greater $50,000 for this year, how do you plan to achieve it? By making $1,000 profit per sale, that amount requires 50 new associates attracted and mentored by you. For the Summit advisor, 50 sales has the statistical probablility of generating greater than $250,000 in the same year. Got it?

Are you really here to play full out and be the leader? Those of you who chose to not attend the Liberty Conference in Acapulco missed the best conference ever. If you have been on the Wake-up calls or the Blackbelt Marketing call this week, you heard numerous accounts of the energy and training we received. You DESERVE to be at these events. Your business success requires you to be at these events. Let's all stop finding excuses and instead seek out solutions. I challenge all of us to demand greater leadership from ourselves and our associates.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Finding The Right Mattress

There is a story that I've heard a few times that really assisted me in understanding our business. Suppose I tell you that there is a hotel with 10,000 beds in it. Under one of the mattresses in this hotel is $500,000 that is yours and all you have to do is find it. One more catch is that the hotel is in Tokyo. Would you find a way to get to Tokyo? How many mattresses would you look under before you give up?

That is exactly what our Liberty League opportunity looks like. We know the fortune exists. We've outlined the five steps to success. We Summit advisors demonstrate these steps ourselves. However, we cannot take the steps for you. That is your responsibility. Everyone on our team expressed a desire to change their lives. The goals may have slight variations but all revolve around financial and time freedom. Only with enough money and enough time can any of us achieve our true life purpose.

So how does the story apply to you and your business? Summit Advisors attend the events - Liberty and Summit Conferences. Being present with the community and participating in the conferences is a major key in personal and professional development. I can tell you how much fun Disney World is all day long but you have to experience it for yourself to really get the benefit. So if the mattress is in Tokyo, you have to physically get to Tokyo. So get yourself to the conferences, period.

Now that you're in Tokyo, what do you do? Do you sight see. Do you talk to a bunch of people about how hard it was to get here? Do you complain that you have to find your way to the hotel? Do you complain that no one told you exactly which room the valuable mattress is in? Or do you go to the hotel you were told to go to and get to work? Of course you do. You don't waste time and you don't complain because you were told there was a mattress in the hotel with $500,000 under it and all you have to do is search until you find it.

Some people get tired and skeptical quickly, however. These people may look under 10 or 15 mattresses without success. They start to grumble and say things like, "I don't think the money is really here. What if I came here for nothing?" All the time the half million dollars is just sitting there, waiting to be found.

The truly successful person persists without exception. This means not giving up and staying focused on the goal of finding the money. It is there. It may be under the 5th mattress you look under or it may be under the 10,000th mattress you look under, but it is there. And the more diligent and focused you are in looking, the sooner you will you find it. Stopping and complaining every 5 mattresses or so only delays the search.

Meanwhile, I'm shopping and packing for Acapulco. This is our first time in Acapulco and Ed and I are very excited about seeing many of you there. I hope this analogy helps you see what we have a little more clearly. We are excited to be celebrating our 3rd anniversary with Liberty League at the end of this month. It has been the most life-changing and exciting 3 years ever.

Have a great day. Look under as many mattresses as possible - the treasure is waiting for you.

Sandra Hayes, Summit Advisor